
Dustin Ogle is a husband and father of 2 daughters. He has been a successful business owner for 16 years and has over 10 companies in his repertoire. He earned a B.A. in English in 2008 from Indiana University, where he is from. Dustin has also amassed accomplishments in various endeavors, such as wrestling, music, leadership, philanthropy, traveling, etc. He also hosts podcasts that are a conversational exploration of the entrepreneurial spirit, personal and professional progress, and culture. 

Dustin has a passion for outdoor adventure especially hiking, kayaking, backpacking, and fishing. His indoor interests are making music with piano and guitar, reading philosophy. He views life as a string of great adventures and regularly is traveling to new destinations often via backpack. His favorite ways to experience culture is conversation, live music, performing arts, and film. He has a particular affinity for the work and life of Michelangelo as you can tell by the tattoos on his left arm. The biography of Michelangelo "The Agony and the Ecstasy" by Irving Stone deeply impacted Dustin at an early age.  

"To me, Michelangelo's life is an example of the supreme human archetype trapped inside all of us waiting to be revealed. That is to find our greatest talent, develop the skills to bring it to life beyond measure, and produce our deepest most honest expression despite the obstacles and requisite sacrifices." Dustin Ogle